Dott. Maria Eugenia Marazzi

  • European Patent Litigator (Dipl. CEIPI)
  • J.D., University National of Rosario – UNR
  • Postgrad in IP University of Buenos Aires – UBA
  • Magister IP Facultad Lat. de Ciencias Soc.
  • Admitted in Argentina

Maria Eugenia Marazzi is a partner of the Firm. Ms. Marazzi acts as a Liaison Attorney to clients and business contacts of CHK in Spanish speaking countries including: Spain, Argentina, Mexico and other countries in South America. Ms. Marazzi also acts as a Liaison Attorney in Portuguese speaking countries and serves as the Firm’s contact point for our clients in Portugal and Brazil. She heads the CHK office in Buenos Aires.

Ms. Marazzi previously worked in industry at various medical device companies in Argentina, where she was responsible for registration of medical devices before the National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Devices (ANMAT). Ms. Marazzi was also responsible for oversight and implementation of new regulations and updates relating to medicinal products for a major medical device importer in Argentina. Ms. Marazzi has transactional experience including negotiating and drafting license agreements and other patent-related contracts in the pharmaceutical field. Ms. Marazzi also handles registration of trademarks for the Firm in Argentina.

Please feel free to contact her if you are interested in working with us and are based in a Spanish speaking country.

Dott. Maria Eugenia Marazzi
t +49 30 886 20 07 – 0